Summary: ​
First Lego League (FLL) is an international program for elementary and middle school students interested in careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math (STEM). Every year, chapters like First Lego League Jr. (St. Louis), hosts a robotics competition for students. This competition prepares the youth for the workplace and encourages teamwork, discovery and creativity.
Problem: ​
The First Lego League Jr. (St. Louis) needed more content to promote their annual competition and engage with both students and parent on several digital platforms. The goal was to cover all aspects of the event that aligned with their core values: innovation, discovery, inclusion, teamwork and fun.
Solution: ​
We were able to cover all aspect of the event including but not limited to: student presentations, team building exercises, behind the scenes shots (judges, coaches, etc.), the lego league competition, the award ceremony and much more.
Results: ​
The chapter and volunteers had content to promote the event and engage with parents and students.
Summary: ​
Virgos Know Everything is an up and coming Atlanta based podcast hosted by Big Will, Murphy Lee, and Keith Jones. During the show they discuss hot topics in Hip Hop, entertainment and black culture. Their show has welcomed guest such as Tiffany Foxx, Shawty the Comedian, Jazze Pha and many more.
Problem: ​
Virgos Know Everything wanted to promote their show on social media platforms such as Instagram and YouTube. The goal was to create promo clips of their video recorded podcast and post them consistently on Instagram and YouTube to gain more viewers.
Solution: ​
Before editing their content, we provided Virgos Knows Everything with a social media review. After providing them with some tips to get more viewers when posting their content, we edited episodes in segments to promote their hot topics.
Results: ​
Their views on YouTube more than tripled.
Summary: ​
Located in University City, Missouri (St. Louis), University City High School is known for its amazing students, teachers and spirited alumni association. Every year the alumni association puts on a plethora of events for students and the alum to promote service to the community, engagement, and Lion pride!
Problem: ​
The University City Alumni Association wanted photos to engage with attendees on social media after their annual U-City Homecoming Tailgate event. The goal was to increase engagement between the alumni board and the tailgate attendees on social media.
Solution: ​
As pictures were being taken at the event, attendees were told that their pictures would be distributed by way of the alumni associations social media platforms.They were then encouraged to reach out to members of the alumni board to connect and obtain copies of the event.
Results: ​
20% increase in engagement